European Gender Budgeting Network
Links of your interest
- IDRC is a Canadian Crown corporation that works in close collaboration with researchers from the developing world in their search for the means to build healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous societies.
- The GRBI website is a collaborative effort between the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), The Commonwealth Secretariat and Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC), to support government and civil society in analysing national and/or local budgets from a gender perspective and applying this analysis to the formulation of gender responsive budgets.
- In the spring of 2004 UNPAC began work on our own Gender Budget Project. Although we didn't have the resources to do a formal gender analysis of the Manitoba budget, we decided to do consult women and men in Manitoba and collect their suggestions on a Gender Budget for Manitoba. We were thrilled with the number and creativity of responses submitted.
- Regional Preparatory Meeting for the 10-year Review of Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action. Geneva, Switzerland, 14-15 December 2004.
- Wahlprüfsteine Gender Budgeting für die Bundestagswahl 2005 der Initiativen in München, Köln und Berlin.
- Women's and gender budgets: an annotated resource list. Reeves, H.; Wach, H. / Briefings on Gender and Development (BRIDGE), 1999.Gives details of publications and other resources on women's or gender budgets at national, provincial, and local levels, and within institutions. It also provides references that give an overview of the budget process from a gender perspective and of conceptual issues in gender budget analysis, mainly relating to national budgets.
- Gender-responsive budget analysis provides a way to hold governments accountable for their commitments to gender equality and women's human rights — by linking these commitments to the distribution, use and generation of public resources. It identifies the implications of budgets for women and girls as compared to men and boys and forms the basis for reordering the budget process and priorities to support women's empowerment and gender equality.
- The IBP builds civil society budget capacity, enhances participation, and combats poverty.
- The Network of East-West Women-Polska/NEWW links women across national and regional boundaries to share resources, knowledge and skills. "Gdansk Gender Budget Initiative" is one of the priority activities led by NEWW-Polska. First phase of the project, with support of Heinrich Boell Fundation is coordinated by Zofia Lapniewska.
- This resource offers a new way of navigating through a whole body of premium content on Gender Sensitive Budgets. It also works as a simulation of questions and answers to promote dialogue between experts interested in this field.
- Rhonda Sharp's document. Can performance-oriented budgeting serve as a framework for making budgets more gender responsive? This question is set in the context of recent public sector reforms to make public expenditure more 'results based' as part of the 'good governance' agenda.
- Network of Women Parliamentarians of the Americas. Seminar on Governmental Gender Budgets organized with the cooperation of the Network of Women Parliamentarians of the Americas, San Salvador, El Salvador, September 19 and 20, 2003.
- "Gender Budgets, Financial Markets, Financing for Development. The Gender Dimensions of the Global Financial Architecture", February 19th and 20th 2002 organised by the Heinrich Boell Foundation Berlin.
- Definitions and references about Gender Budgeting from the Centre for Human Settlements in University if British Columbia, Canada.
- Gender equality is an overall and binding goal for all projects and programmes of the German development cooperation. The integration of gender considerations into macroeconomics is a relatively recent development. Experiences from economic reforms -mainly the structural adjustment policies and programmes- have shown that the efforts to establish competitive and efficient markets and production structures did not necessarily lead to the intended outcome in terms of increases in production and growth.
- UNIFEM Project "Gender Budgets in Russia" was launched on the 1st April 2004. The project goal is to increase women's participation in the decision-making and budgetary allocations at national (Russian Federation) and sub-federal (Komi Republic) levels in the context of decentralization processes.
- Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Federal budget-making process not meeting women's needs.
- Una de las líneas de investigación que actualmente desarrolla el Instituto de Estudios Fiscales (IEF) es la denominada "Género y Hacienda Pública", o más generalmente "Género y Políticas Públicas".
- Unidad de Igualdad y Género, estructura de apoyo para iniciar y consolidar el proceso de implantación del Mainstreaming de Género en Andalucía. Promovida por el Instituto Andaluz de la Mujer y la Consejería de Economía y Hacienda -Dirección Gral. de Fondos Europeos- Junta de Andalucía
- Over the last seven years, there has been increasing interest in gender budget work worldwide. Over 50 countries have had gender budget initiatives of one sort or another. There are, however, big differences between the initiatives in different countries. In particular, in some cases the initiatives have been located inside government; in other cases in Parliament; and in yet others within civil society. This article discusses what gender budgets entail, and why non-governmental organisations (NGOs) might be interested in engaging in them.
- Why is progress towards gender equality so slow? In part, this is a failure to attach money to policy commitments. Whilst government budgets have allocated resources in a way that has perpetuated gender biases, budgets also offer the potential to transform gender inequalities. In recent years gender budget initiatives (GBI) have risen to this challenge. Although most GBIs are still primarily focused on analysing the budget and its impact, the ultimate aim is to mainstream gender into the criteria for its formulation.